Roles of a NURSE
Dynamic Roles of a NURSE

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Nurses provide the basic source of care and assistance for patients at the most crucial points in their lives. The nurses are few of the known professionals that response need of clients that is particularly urgent. Thus, the quality of care delivered by them at the workplace are expected to be highly satisfactory if not excellent since the profession deals about human life; highly regarded more than anything.

Perhaps every individual's health care experience cannot be isolated from the contribution of a registered nurse. As everyone say, “Nursing is from womb to tomb”, and the several forms of care by nurses in between, are always attended by the knowledge, skills, support, the comforting and positivism. What are the probable
sources of information utilized by nurses to inform practice?

The endeared need for better information useful for nurses, opted health care providers to engaged in evidence-based practice in care environments. Professional nurses served by utilizing the best available information to useful in practice. Overwhelmingly, nurses' perspectives have significantly improved in later years. Many nurses have fully recognized the use of diverse literatures to enhance teaching skills, health-related decisions, patient safety protocols, elimination of medical errors and improve patient care outcomes. They have also taken advantage of up-to-date opportunities in order to pursue expanded clinical responsibility and competency as means to expand career and professional growth.

Thus, it is not enough that graduates remain satisfied on the four years training they acquired in College, engaging in continuing education would be a necessity for a professional nurse who seeks to advance in nursing career and survive in a competitive battle field of health care.

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Cooper, H. (1984) The integrative research review: A systematic approach. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Dixon, et al. (2005) Synthesizing Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence: A Review of Possible Methods, J. of Health Services Research & Policy, 10(1):45–53.

Spenceley (2008) Source of information used by nurses to inform practice: An integrative review. International Journal Nursing Studies, 45(6):954-70. Retrieved September 30, 2009 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18677809?ordinalpos=2tool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel. Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

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